About The Main Report Group

The Main Report's publications are totally independent, with no allegiance to political parties, advertisers, or other pressure groups.

The Main Report Editors focus specifically on situations confronting you day by day. Our writing style enables fast reading, ensuring you can find essential facts quickly and easily.

The contents often contain the ‘seeds of opportunity’ and, if you keep every issue, you’ll have answers right at hand when you need them - even for questions you may not anticipate right now.

The Main Report publications can often provide you with a fresh view on a subject or add another voice, to bring new thinking. They are also ideal material for Reports, Presentations, Interviews and Speeches.

Max Bowden
Publisher, Editor-in-Chief

The Main Report Publications

The first Main Report publications rolled off the presses in 1972. They have been widely emulated, but remain the standard by which other weekly niche publications must measure themselves.

We offer our clients six publications. And they have never wavered from our basic principle: to offer our clients practical information which can be acted upon immediately or in the near future. They are all idea sources and calls to action. They are designed to help you power your operation into the future and to call attention to the mistakes and pitfalls which may thwart the realisation of your vision.

Trans Tasman Business Alert

Published since 1968. Hot On The Spot from Wellington and Canberra. The Trans Tasman is an indispensable guide to what’s happening … in politics, the economy, legislation and regulations. Impartial analysis and forecasts are accurate, reliable and timely. Reporting on many issues ignored by the media mainstream.

The Main Report Business

“The Monday Morning Mind Opener”. Proven advice, ideas and tips you can use today … to increase profits and to do your job better. With special emphasis on major trends and forecasts, the economy and political and legislative action which may affect you. It’s for top, senior and middle management, professional people, employees and self-employed.

The Main Report Farming Alert

For anyone associated with or interested in the farming industry. Covers farm management techniques, animal health, forestry, farm finance, agricultural market trends, production, processing and pricing, sheep, beef and dairy farming, cropping, pasture improvement, hiring and firing, employment, political commentary and legislation. Weekly Stockyard Sales.

Health and Wealth

A personal lifestyle guide for you to enjoy life with more money and better health. Helps develop seven key areas to get the best out of your life … health, money, career, relationships, learning, recreation and spirituality. It is the only true information source to treat your personal life in a businesslike way.

Energy and Environment

NZ’s leading information source for analysis and interpretation of crucial energy and environment issues. Covers draft legislation, amendments to Acts, regulations plus enforcement policies. Includes policy announcements, research, news, ideas and activity affecting business, central and local govt in important areas.

NZ Transport Intelligence Business Alert

NZ’s freight, transport, warehousing and distribution news authority. Takes a critical look at road, rail, air and sea transport including pricing, supply chain sustainability, airport and port security, environment legislation, warehouse systems, information technology, e-commerce, factory gate pricing, 4th party logistics.

Our People

The founder and publisher of The Main Report Group is Max Bowden. Max started his career in broadcasting and then formed his own marketing and advertising consultancy. Max’s advice and ‘personal hands-on’ approach has helped many companies grow and prosper. He has also had first-hand experience with the Government sector, appearing before Select Committees and through his appointments to advisory groups.

Max has chosen his staff and contributors for their wide-ranging expertise, experience and knowledge.

Ian Templeton. OBE – Senior Correspondent. A highly respected journalist and commentator, a life member in the New Zealand Parliamentary Press Gallery. With his wisdom and experience, Ian heads a team who share a range of top-level contacts in the Beehive, in Wellington’s bureaucracy, and among powerbrokers in the business, financial and farming lobbies.

Rob Hosking – Wellington correspondent. A freelance writer and commentator since 1999, Rob brings decades of journalism experience to the job. He specialises in the economy, tax and Government regulation such as the Resource Management Act, business, and superannuation issues. He has been in Parliament’s press gallery since April 1997.

Tony Doe – Research Analyst. Tony has worked in broadcast and print journalism in NZ, Japan and the UK. In a career spanning 20 years, he has worked for some of the top radio groups in the world, including the BBC, and Capital Radio London and has won a World Broadcasting Award. Tony was also on the editorial committee for ITN Radio London. He was Business Editor for NOW TV in Christchurch, and has contributed to various business and lifestyle magazines. He taught journalism at the prestigious Radio Guild in London. He has an MA(hons) in History.

Bob Edlin – Bob has been a journalist since 1960, with daily newspaper experience on several provincial newspapers and (as editor of the NZN News Bureau) writing for the Auckland and Christchurch Stars. He was editor, then managing editor, of the National Business Review from 1970-75 and wrote its weekly economics column. He became Wellington bureau chief and economics writer for The Independent Business Weekly when it was set up in 1992. He writes a monthly economics column for Management magazine and is the Dairy Exporter magazine’s political and economics writer.

Brian Lockstone - Brian has spent nearly 50 years analyzing, reporting upon, and participating in government affairs. His career spans journalism, government service and the aviation industry at home and around the world in Australia, the Pacific, the United States and Europe. He has worked in the top levels of governments, at home and abroad, has advised prime ministers, cabinet ministers and senior executives in multinational companies and retains strong links into the New Zealand community. He is a firm believer in an efficient, effective and fearless public service.

Kelvin King – Auckland-based journalist Kelvin King has had a long hands-on involvement in transport, both in NZ and overseas. He has a particular interest in aviation, including airport operation. Also writes extensively on tourism (notably, business travel and the MICE sector), hospitality industry management and venue development, and on wine and other beverages.

Jan Martin – Subscription Manager. Jan handles all our subscription and account enquiries. Please feel free to contact Jan regarding any questions you may have.

Cat Gilchrist – Production and electronic manager. Cat plays a vital role in preparing The Main Report/Trans Tasman Group publications.

The Main Report NewsWeeklies are totally independent, with no allegiance to political parties, advertisers, or other pressure groups.

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